Hi, I'm Stephanie Hessler

Founder of the BLISS Accelerator™

and CEO of Stephanie Hessler Coaching, a boutique coaching and personal growth firm.  I look forward to helping you rapidly advance your career, increase your ROI, and create a vision others want to follow, without compromising the life you dream of. 

I’m the founder of the BLISS Accelerator™, a transformational coaching program for successful, high-achieving leaders who want to rapidly advance their career and life, but have hit a roadblock. I've had the privilege of supporting hundreds of leaders to higher levels of achievement. Having an experienced coach and mentor makes all the difference.

Previously, I worked in the investment business, including almost ten years on Wall Street. Here I worked with CEOs, CFOs and high-level strategic teams on billions of dollars of financial transactions and investments. 

My undergraduate degree is from Wellesley College and I earned my MBA at The Wharton School. I'm certified by the Proctor-Gallagher Institute, one of the world’s premier organizations dedicated to personal growth, and I continue to invest in my own learning and growth.

I work with most clients from six months to twelve months, and I have multiple clients who have stayed in my coaching circle for years.

Successful, high-achieving leaders know that coaching is for winners.

At the same time, embarking on a coaching journey with me is not for the faint of heart. And that's because I will push you beyond what you believe you're capable of. Ready to transform your future?


Step into your most expectional self with Stephanie Hessler

BLISS Accelerator Coaching

for high-achieving, successful individuals.  You want to rapidly advance your career and create a vision others want to follow but you've hit a roadblock

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 You're invited to access a variety of tools to move you forward like masterclasses, videos and podcasts, as well as a Career Elevation Checklist and Guide.    


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